Where Should My Priorities Be?
As we all know by now, we are in the midst of unprecedented times. The CDC and government officials have recommended that we all quarantine as a way to minimize the spread of COVID-19. While essential services such as grocery stores and pharmacies are still open, many of us in quarantine sometimes lose track of what needs to be done. Our in-home healthcare services providers have listed out what to prioritize during this hibernation time.
What to Keep in Mind During COVID-19
Staying in Touch
During this time, you may not be physically meeting with your in-home healthcare provider or loved ones; however, it is important to touch base with them. Not only is your physical health important, but also your emotional health. Find out convenient times to connect with your loved ones and spend time catching up.
Medication Management
If you’re like many people in quarantine, you may find it challenging keeping up with the schedule and days of the week. That is understandable, we are all experiencing similar things. If you need the assistance of an in-home healthcare provider to help you manage your medications or you need to call on an accountability partner, please stay up to date with your medicine schedule as recommended by your physician.
Staying Active
Staying active can mean physical exercise or doing brain games to stay mentally sharp. We encourage you to find new activities and/or hobbies that occupy yourself in a healthy and constructive way during quarantine. Consult with an in-home healthcare provider about what kind of physical activities would be best for you—they may have ideas you haven’t thought of before.
Eating Well
During this time, it is very important to be eating as healthy as possible. If you need any assistance with getting healthy food, do not hesitate to contact Trinity Life at Home. We can provide many resources. If you are meeting with an in-home healthcare provider, consult with them about what foods to eat. If you are unable to cook regularly, an in-home healthcare provider may be able to help with meal prep. If you can utilize Zoom, Skype, or Facetime, you can invite your family to have dinner with you and video chat with them.
You Are Not Alone
Get the Support You Need with Trinity Life at Home
Trinity Life at Home is an in-home healthcare provider in the Atlanta area that is focused on your health and wellbeing. As COVID-19 affects our everyday lives, we are here to provide families with solutions and comfort in times of need. To learn more about how we can assist you, contact us by giving us a call at 678-731-0831 or by filling out the contact form on our website.